Big Show Height report

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Big Show is a Professional Wrestler from Aiken, South Carolina, USA, Big Show was born on February 08, 1972, and is currently 53 years old. Big Show's height is 7 ft or 213 cm Although, he is considered 6 ft 11 in or 211 cm without his boots..
In addition to Big Show's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Big Show, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.
Big Show Basic Information | |
Name | Big Show |
Height | 7 ft or 213 cm Although, he is considered 6 ft 11 in or 211 cm without his boots. |
Weight | 200 kg or 441 pounds |
Birthday | February 08, 1972 |
Age | 53 |
Zodiac Sign | Aquarius |
Nationality | United-States |
Born Place | Aiken, South Carolina, USA |
Birth Name | Jr. Paul Donald Wight |
More biography besides Big Show height
Big Show's Best known for | His professional wrestling fights |
Big Show's Born Place / Residence | Tampa, Florida, USA |
Big Show's Brand Endorsements | Apart from WWE commercials, he has appeared in a commercial for Chef Boyardee Ravioli (2000), Stacker 2 (2003), etc. |
Big Show's Build | Large |
Big Show's Distinctive Features |
Big Show's Eye Color | Green eyes with a hint of blue |
Big Show's First Film | 1996 film Reggie’s Prayer for his role as Mr. Portola. He had his first major role in Knucklehead (2010) as Walter Krunk, produced by WWE Studios. |
Big Show's First TV Show | 1994 action-adventure TV series Thunder in Paradise. But, Paul Wight was not in the starring role. |
Big Show's Hair Color | Blonde (Natural) He turned ‘Bald’ later on. |
Big Show's Manager | Big Show’s managers during wrestling were –
Big Show's Occupation | Professional Wrestler |
Big Show's Personal Trainer | Larry Sharpe (Retired professional wrestler and owner of Monster Factory professional wrestling school), Jim Duggan (better known as Hacksaw) and Glenn Ruth (better known as Thrasher) are his trainers. |
Big Show's Race / Ethnicity | White |
Big Show's Religion | Christianity |
Big Show's Sexual Orientation | Straight |
Big Show's Shoe Size | 8.5 E |
This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Big Show. The height of Big Show is 7 ft or 213 cm Although, he is considered 6 ft 11 in or 211 cm without his boots.. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Big Show. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.
This page provide the details of Big Show height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.
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