Brock Lesnar Height report

Brock Lesnar is a Professional wrestler, former American football player, former mixed martial artist from Webster, South Dakota, United States, Brock Lesnar was born on July 12, 1977, and is currently 46 years old. Brock Lesnar's height is 6 ft 2½ in or 189 cm.

In addition to Brock Lesnar's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Brock Lesnar, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Brock Lesnar Basic Information
Name Brock Lesnar
Height 6 ft 2½ in or 189 cm
Weight 130 kg or 287 pounds
Birthday July 12, 1977
Age 46
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Nationality United-States
Born Place Webster, South Dakota, United States
Birth Name Brock Edward Lesnar
Nick Name(s) The Next Big Thing, Broccoli, Brock Solid, Bork Laser, The Conqueror, The Beast Incarnate

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Brock Lesnar's Best known for Working as a WWE wrestler who has won Heavyweight Championship many times.
Brock Lesnar's Body Measurements Brock Lesnar’s body specifications may be –
  • Chest – 55 in or 140 cm
  • Arms / Biceps – 22 in or 56 cm
  • Waist – 39 in or 99 cm
Brock Lesnar's Born Place / Residence Moosomin, Saskatchewan, Canada
Brock Lesnar's Brand Endorsements Brock endorsed Dymatize Nutrition in 2009.
Brock Lesnar's Build Bodybuilder
Brock Lesnar's Education Background Brock went to Webster High School. Post that, Brock attended Bismarck State College in Bismarck, North Dakota. On a wrestling scholarship, he was transferred to University of Minnesota for his junior and senior year of college.
Brock Lesnar's Eye Color Blue
Brock Lesnar's First Film He has not appeared in a feature film yet apart from a couple of TV movies.
Brock Lesnar's First Wrestling Match He had his wrestling debut in a match held in October 2000. Brock is also a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I champion.
Brock Lesnar's Hair Color Blonde
Brock Lesnar's Manager He is represented by –
  • Artists International Management
  • WWE, Inc.
Brock Lesnar's Occupation Professional wrestler, former American football player, former mixed martial artist
Brock Lesnar's Race / Ethnicity White Brock has German and Polish ancestry on his father’s side.
Brock Lesnar's Religion He does much speak much about his religious beliefs. He might be a Christian.
Brock Lesnar's Sexual Orientation Straight
Brock Lesnar's Shoe Size His shoe size is not known. But, as per some fans, it is 15 (US).

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Brock Lesnar. The height of Brock Lesnar is 6 ft 2½ in or 189 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Brock Lesnar. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Brock Lesnar height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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