Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) Height report

Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) Height
March 2019 (Kaitlyn / Instagram)

Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) is a Professional Wrestler, Bodybuilder, Body Fitness Model, Entrepreneur from Houston, Texas, United States, Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) was born on October 7, 1986, and is currently 37 years old. Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s height is 5 ft 5 in or 165 cm.

In addition to Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin), including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) Basic Information
Name Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)
Height 5 ft 5 in or 165 cm
Weight 73 kg or 161 lbs
Birthday October 7, 1986
Age 37
Zodiac Sign Libra
Nationality United-States
Born Place Houston, Texas, United States
Birth Name Celeste Beryl Bonin
Nick Name(s) Kaitlyn, Ricki Vaughn

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Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Born Place / Residence Delray Beach, Florida, United States
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Brand Endorsements Kaitlyn has endorsed brands such as –
  • Swiss Relief CBD
  • Bikini Block
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Build Bodybuilder
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Distinctive Features
  • Bodybuilder physique
  • Defined jawline
  • Full tattoo sleeve on her left arm
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Education Background Celeste attended Mayde Creek High School in Houston, Texas, United States.
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Eye Color Light Green
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s First TV Show Other than the broadcast of her wrestling matches, Kaitlyn made her first TV show appearance as ‘Herself’ on the reality series, Total Divas in 2013.
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s First Wrestling Match Celeste Bonin made her professional wrestling debut on September 7, 2010, in the 3rd season of WWE NXT TV program under the ring name “Kaitlyn” as a replacement for Aloisia, the former rookie of her mentor, Vickie Guerrero.
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Hair Color Dark Brown She has also dyed her hair ‘Black,’ ‘Platinum Blonde,’ and ‘Ombre’ with ‘Light Brown’ and ‘Blonde’ hair ends.
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Occupation Professional Wrestler, Bodybuilder, Body Fitness Model, Entrepreneur
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Race / Ethnicity Mixed (White and Hispanic) She has American and Mexican ancestry on her maternal side.
Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin)'s Sexual Orientation Straight

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin). The height of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) is 5 ft 5 in or 165 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin). If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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