Maksim Chmerkovskiy Height report

Maksim Chmerkovskiy is a Dancer, choreographer, instructor from Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union, Maksim Chmerkovskiy was born on January 17, 1980, and is currently 44 years old. Maksim Chmerkovskiy's height is 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm.

In addition to Maksim Chmerkovskiy's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Maksim Chmerkovskiy, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Maksim Chmerkovskiy Basic Information
Name Maksim Chmerkovskiy
Height 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm
Weight 87 kg or 192 pounds
Birthday January 17, 1980
Age 44
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Nationality Ukraine
Born Place Odessa, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union
Birth Name Maksim Aleksandrovich Chmerkovskiy
Nick Name(s) Maks

More biography

Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Best known for Being a TV celebrity and having an impressive career as a choreographer in ABC’s Dancing With The Stars.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Body Measurements Maksim Chmerkovskiy’s body specifications may be –
  • Chest – 45 in or 114 cm
  • Arms / Biceps – 15.5 in or 39 cm
  • Waist – 33 in or 84 cm
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Brand Endorsements In 2006, Maksim appeared in a television commercial as a ballroom dance competitor for Jared The Galleria of Jewelry with Alec Mazo, Edyta Sliwinska, and Shalene Archer Ermis.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Build Athletic
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Distinctive Features Temperamental moods, and angry fits during rehearsals
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Eye Color Light Brown
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's First TV Show In 2006, he appeared for the first time in ABC’s dance reality show Dancing With The Stars as a choreographer. Since that time, he has appeared in more than 200 episodes.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Hair Color Dark Brown
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Manager Maksim is signed to these talent agencies –
  • Rebel Entertainment Partners
  • Grinya Talent Agency
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Occupation Dancer, choreographer, instructor
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Personal Trainer Before an intense competition, he does a carb overload. Like, Maks would eat lots of pasta for a week. This is because he is able to burn all those calories, he intakes. His top stretching move – Side Lateral Stretch
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Race / Ethnicity White
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Religion Judaism Maksim’s dad is Jewish and mom is a Christian.
Maksim Chmerkovskiy's Sexual Orientation Straight

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Maksim Chmerkovskiy. The height of Maksim Chmerkovskiy is 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Maksim Chmerkovskiy. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Maksim Chmerkovskiy height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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