Mamdouh Elssbiay Height report

Mamdouh Elssbiay Height
Mamdouh Elssbiay having food at Eat Smart as seen in July 2017

Mamdouh Elssbiay is a IFBB Professional Bodybuilder from Baltim, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt, Mamdouh Elssbiay was born on September 16, 1984, and is currently 39 years old. Mamdouh Elssbiay's height is 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm.

In addition to Mamdouh Elssbiay's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Mamdouh Elssbiay, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Mamdouh Elssbiay Basic Information
Name Mamdouh Elssbiay
Height 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm
Weight 134 kg or 295 lbs
Birthday September 16, 1984
Age 39
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Nationality Egyptian
Born Place Baltim, Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt
Birth Name Mamdouh Mohammed Hassan Elssbiay
Nick Name(s) Big Ramy

More biography

Mamdouh Elssbiay's Best known for
  • Being one of the most popular middle eastern bodybuilders
  • Having won the New York Pro on his IFBB Pro debut in 2013
  • Having managed to secure second place in the 2017 Mr. Olympia competition. Phil Heath went on to win the competition.
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Body Measurements His body specifications might be –
  • Chest – 54 in or 137 cm
  • Arms / Biceps – 24 in or 61 cm
  • Waist – 36 in or 91.5 cm
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Born Place / Residence He is settled in Kuwait.
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Brand Endorsements Mamdouh has done endorsement work for many supplements and bodybuilding-related brands such as GAT Sport and Gorilla Wear. He has advertised for Eat Smart on social media.
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Build Bodybuilder
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Distinctive Features
  • Huge physical presence with rippling muscles
  • Broad nose
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Eye Color Dark Brown
Mamdouh Elssbiay's First Film Mamdouh was seen in the documentary film Generation Iron 2.
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Girlfriend / Spouse Mamdouh is a married man. He also has three children with his oldest child being a girl, who was born on the eve of his debut at the New York Pro Championship 2013.
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Hair Color Bald
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Occupation IFBB Professional Bodybuilder
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Race / Ethnicity White
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Religion Islam
Mamdouh Elssbiay's Sexual Orientation Straight

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Mamdouh Elssbiay. The height of Mamdouh Elssbiay is 5 ft 10 in or 178 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Mamdouh Elssbiay. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Mamdouh Elssbiay height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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