Armin van Buuren Height report

Armin van Buuren is a DJ, Record Producer, Remixer from Leiden, Netherlands, Armin van Buuren was born on December 25, 1976, and is currently 47 years old. Armin van Buuren's height is 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm.

In addition to Armin van Buuren's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Armin van Buuren, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Armin van Buuren Basic Information
Name Armin van Buuren
Height 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm
Weight 82 kg or 181 lbs
Birthday December 25, 1976
Age 47
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Nationality Netherlands
Born Place Leiden, Netherlands
Birth Name Armin Jozef Jacobus Daniël van Buuren
Nick Name(s) Armin

More biography

Armin van Buuren's Best known for
  • Being the undisputed king of trance and one of the most respected and highest paid DJs in the scene.
  • Hosting the weekly radio show called A State of Trance which broadcasts over 100 radio stations and has more than 37 million listeners on a weekly basis.
Armin van Buuren's Born Place / Residence Leiden, Netherlands
Armin van Buuren's Brand Endorsements Armin Van Buuren has done endorsement work for the following brands –
  • Mentos
  • Dutch Radio 538
  • Jaguar
  • Heineken
  • Godskitchen Lviv
  • Google
Armin van Buuren's Build Athletic
Armin van Buuren's Distinctive Features His smile
Armin van Buuren's Eye Color Dark Brown
Armin van Buuren's First Album Armin released his debut studio album titled 76 in June 2003. The album consisted of 13 tracks with a total play time of 76 minutes.
Armin van Buuren's First Film In 2013, Armin made his theatrical film debut as himself in the romantic comedy, Verliefd op Ibiza.
Armin van Buuren's First TV Show Armin made his television show debut on the talk show Pauw & Witteman in 2006.
Armin van Buuren's Girlfriend / Spouse Armin van Buuren has dated –
  1. Erika van Thiel (2001-Present) – Armin married his longtime girlfriend Erika on September 18, 2009. The couple has 2 children together – daughter Fenna (b. July 2011) and son Remy (b. July 27, 2013).
Armin van Buuren's Girlfriend(s) Erika van Thiel
Armin van Buuren's Hair Color Blonde
Armin van Buuren's Instruments Synthesizer, Drum Machine
Armin van Buuren's Label(s)
  • Armada Music
  • Revealed Recordings
  • A State of Trance
  • Armind
  • Vandit Records
  • Ministry of Sound
Armin van Buuren's Manager Armin van Buuren is managed by –
  • Armada Music
  • David Lewis Productions
Armin van Buuren's Occupation DJ, Record Producer, Remixer
Armin van Buuren's Personal Trainer Due to his hectic work schedule, Armin finds it difficult to work out. However, he maintains a healthy diet and to avoid a jet lag, he avoids sleeping during the day. He also manages to get ample sleep and maintains a well-rounded diet.
Armin van Buuren's Race / Ethnicity White He hasDutch ancestry.
Armin van Buuren's Religion Christianity
Armin van Buuren's Sexual Orientation Straight

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Armin van Buuren. The height of Armin van Buuren is 6 ft 2 in or 188 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Armin van Buuren. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Armin van Buuren height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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